Importance of Safety Signs

Importance of Safety Signs

The need for safety signs cannot be stressed enough. It is an absolute requirement if you want to protect your employees, material and machinery from potential harm. It does not only protect you but also helps to protect others who are around your premises. 

safety signs

The need for safety signs may vary from one place to another. However, the bottom line is that it keeps everyone safe from any type of harm or injury that may befall your business. Most construction site safety signs and the regulations governing their use are laid down by the OHSA or occupational health and safety administration.


The health and safety in work legislation 2007 chapter 1 also indicates the general requirements of these signs. Required under other applicable laws as well. The basic importance of showing safety signs at work is to avoid the accident and make sure that all staff and possible visitors are well acquainted with the potential hazards and dangers in the area around the workplace. It should be noted that safety signs may differ from one state to another and hence the employer should know the specific laws and requirements of his state.

The importance of safety signs in the workplace is very high. Emergencies happen. Accidents at the workplace occur more frequently than you can imagine. A minor error while handling a tool could lead to severe injuries. Even a small piece of debris or an object thrown from the shelf can create a serious disaster.

Basic Precautions 

Hence, you should always keep safety signs in view at the worksite. Make sure that all precautions should be taken to minimize and eliminate the risks. There are many different types of safety signs that you can use at the workplace. Some of the most popular include those displaying a warning about hazardous conditions, chemicals, flammables, electrical, mechanical dangers etc. However, there are other types of safety signs as well as those regarding biosafety, noise level etc.

According to Electro Cut Signs, safety signs play a vital role not just in protecting your employees but also in protecting the property of the employer. For example, there are hazard signs. They are normally rectangular and are displayed either on the top or bottom of the safety sign. These signs are raised above the ground or from the floor on pillars. Usually, there is a photo in the upper panel that shows the area of danger. Other than the hazard signs, there are also flood, fire and electrical danger signs that need to be displayed separately.

safety signs

Types of Signage

The importance of safety signs is immense. If proper signage is not implemented, there can be serious consequences for the working conditions of the employees and also for the safety of those who may come in contact with the premises. Hence, in case of any accidents or dangerous situations, it is the signage that provides effective visibility and guidance to the people in the vicinity. There are various types of safety signs like mandatory and non-mandatory safety signs.

Non-mandatory safety signage includes a warning triangle, cautionary signs, traffic signs etc. These signs are designed to warn people about potential hazards. It is important to have such signs in places like schools, offices, railway stations, hospitals, etc. Wherever there is a risk of a person stepping out into the traffic, fire or electrical, it is important to have safety signage in place so that people can take necessary precautions. A school crossing safety sign is the best example of this.

In case of any need for immediate assistance, it is important to have immediate human intervention personnel, for example, the use of a live person at the place of work or any other place where there are safety signs symbols is advisable. Such human intervention personnel carry portable devices with them, which they use to communicate with the concerned parties. In other words, safety signs form an integral part of communication for those working at a construction site. Signs play an important role in safety. Therefore, the signs form an important aspect of safety.

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