Protecting Your Job And Health With Occupational Health And Safety Training

occupational health and safety

Protecting Your Job And Health With Occupational Health And Safety Training

The importance of occupational health and safety should never be underestimated. These rules can prevent workplace accidents from happening. They also reduce absenteeism, which in turn can improve the quality of the workforce. Many companies provide workers with a limited amount of occupational health and safety training as part of their company policy.


An occupational health and safety course generally require a student to understand and learn about four main areas: occupational health and safety procedures, occupational health and safety practices and occupational health and safety hazards. These courses usually last between one and four weeks. This introductory painting depicts a female worker examining her work at a large factory during World War II. Her eyes are protected by safety glasses.

This oil painting shows a male worker who is examining his work at a large factory. In the background are nonhuman primates. The man is wearing protective gear that protects him from exposure to disease-control measures. Note that he has not yet completed his safety training.

This oil painting illustrates how the social and occupational context can affect occupational health and safety. The young couple walking beneath a large plant looking at stainless steel pipes can become ill from the fumes. Their eyes are protected by a face mask, but the older couple, with no face mask, cannot avoid inhaling the smoke. In this case, both workers have low exposure to hazardous substances. The young couple is exposed to more occupational health and safety rules than the older couple, who are unable to modify their behaviour to protect themselves from harm.

An occupational health and safety training lesson learned in this example teaches that one should not make assumptions about others. Some people may be overly concerned about what other workers are thinking or doing. They might assume that one worker might be ill without actually asking him or her. Such an assumption might cause injury to another worker who would have been prevented if the occupational health and safety trainer had asked the worker directly about his health condition.

occupational health and safety

Training for Factories

Occupational health and safety training for factories also teach people to perform tasks safely. Chimneys, ventilation systems, and emergency drills must be practised regularly. The health and well-being of all workers depend on the ability to do jobs safely. If a business does not practice occupational health and safety regularly, the workers will lose the ability to rely on the system when emergencies arise. When this happens, the economy grinds to a halt as companies that depend on regular workplace safety practices find their products and inventory unavailable.

Aside, from preventing accidents, occupational health and safety courses to teach people to take simple steps to protect themselves from illness. Wear protective equipment at work like ear muffs and masks, gloves, and eye protection. Some companies offer discounts on items purchased with a health and safety card. Companies that provide insurance also offer some benefits when a worker files an occupational health and safety claim, which could lead to lower costs for the business.

If you or someone you know is sick or has an illness that could be prevented with occupational health and safety training, you should contact your workplace’s occupational health and safety department. If you work for a small business, talk with your boss to see if there is a program available. Some employers provide health insurance to employees, and they can help find occupational health and safety trainers and support groups. Small businesses often prefer to handle training themselves because they believe it takes more time and effort than turning to an outside group. However, if an employer cannot afford to provide health coverage, some provide partial benefits for out-of-pocket expenses, so check with your employer to find out what options you have.

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